• nesmith in summer.

    This series of photographs celebrates the life and energy of summer around Nesmith Library here in Windham, New Hampshire. During the warmer months, the library grounds are full of life—from the busy flutter of butterflies and moths to the lively presence of birds like barred owls, black and white warblers, northern parulas, American redstarts, and nuthatches. I spent hours observing and photographing these creatures, hoping to capture the unique, fleeting moments they bring to this space.

    Each photo offers a glimpse into the season’s rich, yet temporary, world of wildlife. Some of these birds are just passing through, while others are here to raise their young. The insects, too, appear briefly but add so much color and activity to the landscape.

    I hope these photos remind viewers of summer’s warmth and of the natural wonders that surround us—even in places as familiar as our local library. Nature’s beauty is all around us, but often it’s just here for a season.

Hello! I’m Stephanie!

I’m our friendly neighborhood marketing librarian by day, and a novice bird and bug follower on my breaks and weekends.

When I’m on break, you can find me doing laps around the library, squinting into the trees, trying to catch a glimpse of anything with feathers. Armed with my camera and an weird ability to spot a bird butt at fifty paces, I’m all about trying to capture terrible photos—even if it means looking ridiculous on a daily basis in front of unsuspecting patrons.

Photography isn’t just a hobby; it’s my personal exercise plan and a free lesson in humility. There’s nothing quite like sneaking up on a Pine Warbler, only to have it fly away at the last second. But hey, that’s life! Birds are unpredictable, and frankly, that’s what keeps it fun (and slightly frustrating).

So, welcome to my little corner of the internet! Here, you’ll find quick collections of my photo adventures, and a whole lot of winged weirdos.

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